Bingo CM

All you good people out there, who deal with the general public day in day out, have to be blessed with the patience of a saint because you never know how much mental baggage people are carrying around that day. People are people not robots and tempers can get frayed so easily when you are fragile. And then, you have someone who’s just got out of the wrong side of the bed and you have to deal with them on your watch. So, deep breath, be nice and welcoming, and most people’s bad attitude melts away with your sincere, not phoney ‘How can I help you introduction’ coupled with a genuine smile. That’s a sure fire way to diffuse any impending aggro before it takes hold and there’s no going back. Being diplomatic but firm is the key. Fine, that’s the advice over…now let’s move on.

So you find yourself at a bit of a loose end, unable to work a normal 9 to 5 job because of family commitments but you want to keep your brain cells ticking over. You happen to be a bit of a bingo fanatic, you love the game with a
passion. Have you considered applying for a chat host moderator’s position (Bingo CM)? It might just suit you to a tee, you can do it even if you are somewhat housebound because the job can be tailored around your available time schedule. Online bingo is 24/7, so you get a time that suits your lifestyle.

You have to have, in fact, you have to prove to your future employer that your internet connection is ace and you have back-up in case there is a technical hitch or problem. Like all jobs, it’s not the case that you want the job so you get it…that would be so easy! No, there will be a truck load of other people just itching to get the position, so you have to stand out from the crowd to increase your chances. Having experience in the said area is a massive plus for future employers to consider when you are applying.

So, what are the attributes needed to become a chat host moderator? You guessed it…there are plenty. Since it’s online computer based, you have to be tech savvy or else you stand little to no chance of bagging this one. So, amazing computer skills, typing speed mega fast as there is no time to second-guess which means you have to be adept at multi-tasking. Obviously a team player with a good positive upbeat vibe and a bit of an entertainer to boot is essential. It’s your job to create a fun experience for the bingo players. If they are all interacting and having a giggle, then someone is doing a fine job and has got the balance just right.

Bingo CM’s are in charge of the game. They need to have the full confidence of the other players so that if any questions arise during the game, the Bingo CM can deal with them in a polite and efficient manner. You have to be effective and knowledgeable in what you do to make sure the game runs smoothly and everyone is having a meaningful, good, happy time. Bingo players are renowned for their happy disposition. Online bingo is big business and all the sites are vying to get customers to play with them. If you are doing an exceptional job, then you not only keep your players happy but they tell their friends to join…the domino effect. That’s great kudos for you as a Bingo CM. Your employer will be so thrilled if your hosting skills bring in new customers.


When people are chatting you have to be on the ball, to remain an impartial peacemaker, to be professional at all times and astute to any tricky situation that may arise. Nip it in the bud, as they say. At times you have to be firm but always polite. If you are confident and know the rules of bingo inside out with your eyes shut so to speak, you should be a good candidate for this job. Bingo lingo vocabulary and acronyms should be second nature to you and here’s hoping, if you tick all of those boxes, you’ll make an excellent host / moderator and have a successful rewarding career. We hear at bingo wish you all the luck in the world…and remember, nothing ventured nothing gained.

Fancy seeing some Bingo CM’s in action? Grab yourself a Bonus from our Bonus Page and you’ll be in a room with some CM’s learning the ropes in no time.